Saturday, May 15

How to be Wrong

The people who chose not to mask and not to get vaccinated were wrong.

They were wrong; they made my teaching job and my sweet husband's hospital job so much harder for so much longer than they had to be.

They were wrong; they insisted on their personal rights and forgot about the second most important commandment: To love your neighbors as yourself.

They will continue to be wrong; as of now, the current vaccine provides immunity against the current variants. But they will become the Petri dishes for future variants that the current vaccine will not be able to provide immunity for.

There's lots of reasons they chose what they did. And they were wrong.

There are some of us who tried our best to take all people into consideration. We masked. We vaxxed up when it was our turn. We did these things out of consideration and compassion for others.

Now, the opportunity for us all to be unmasked has come. Some, because they never did and never will. The rest, because we followed science and the best intents of our respective religions: Compassion. Care for others. Emptying oneself of rights for the benefit of all, as Christ did.

If science can move us to be cautious, following that same science can move us to freedom.

So it will be hard to tell. Hard to tell anymore who was right and who was wrong.

The question is: Will it matter?

I know some who will want to hold on to the wrongness of others. It does point to a troubling lack of shared values in a group that used to be in step with each other.

But in holding on to the wrongness of others, will I damage my own soul?

If I have conducted myself in a way that I can both look in the mirror as well as face my God without regret, should the actions or values of any others matter?

If I hold on to anything about anyone else's choices, I will become at least AS wrong, if not more wrong than the original set of wrongness.

It is still a time to walk with caution of soul and compassion toward others.

Won't it always be that time?

Lord, have mercy on us all.

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