Thursday, May 19

Goodbye to the Good Ones

So, today I was watching my 4th grade students give presentations on their favorite books in the whole world... It was an assignment that I let them complete independently for the most part, and I was glad to see that my instruction in genre presentations has taken hold. They all did a fine, fine job.

See, the thing is, I love this class. As a teacher, every so often, a class comes along that is makes you laugh, think, pray, duck and run for cover on the days that they're playing "rock, paper, Spock..."

Some classes make you love them. I've had this class for three years.

That's one of the bonuses of my job. I don't have to say goodbye and recycle kids every year. However, next year, this class will most likely pass to my 1/2 time colleague.

These kids are all amazing. They are all artists, engineers, architects, actresses... I know that in the future, these guys will have jobs that aren't even created yet.

Sometimes, we are graced with a moment in life that helps us see how good and beautiful this world is. I tend to get this way in the mountains or staring at the ocean. I see how small I am, and I feel so grateful. So grateful to be here. To see this day, this wonder.

Today was that. I saw the future. Grateful to see it through these kids. So grateful to be a part of it, if even for a little bit. Every so often, when I am with the future, the kids, I wish to ask that I be remembered with kindness. It's a little hope that somehow, I've been a force for good, for life, for wholeness in a world that can be too broken.

So, goodbye to the good ones. Goodbye to these amazing kids through whom I see the rich sweetness of life. Godspeed, you silly chickens. Be good. Be safe. Have fun.

1 comment:

  1. quick fyi: They play "rock, paper, Spock" because, as they say, "Spock beats everything!!"


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